Your tax-deductible donation will help journalists report stories that otherwise could go untold and support a free and independent press in the Pittsburgh region.
Proceeds benefit a grant fund of the Pittsburgh Media Partnership, a collaborative of nearly 30 newsrooms through Point Park University. The newsrooms serve Allegheny, Butler, Beaver, Fayette, Washington, Westmoreland, and Indiana counties
So far, member news outlets have produced more than a dozen deep-dive reports on local political candidates, the state of book bans, and the local effects of a train derailment on residents.
Help them report more stories With your gift, you will help residents better understand their communities - and support a vibrant local media community.
DONATE NOWTax-deductible contributions can be made via check or online. Online tax-deductible gifts can be made by clicking here or the button below. Select your gift amount and, under the “I would like my gift to support” field, please select “other”. In the text box that follows, type in “Collaborative Storytelling Fund/NGN” as the recipient of your gift and complete the remaining fields.
To make a gift by check, they should be made out to “Point Park University” with “Next Generation Newsroom” written in the memo line and can be mailed to:
Point Park University
c/o University Advancement
201 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222